new band suggestion; HËYT

11 years ago

Background information:

HËYT formed on the first of this month as a self confessed "Electronica folk metal" band. Since then, they have posted only two announcements on their website. One of which just states that they've formed and their first live shall commence at 場所は渋谷GARRET udagawa on the 30th of August. Luckily they later announces the more exciting news of how anyone wearing black can participate in their first ever music video on Sunday,the 6th of July. Starting at 6pm at Hatogaya FIND, you wont need to pay an entrance fee, but you are understandably required to wear pure black (including make up) and afterwards you'll get to experience a short preview of the new video and enjoy yourself at the after party (though you may have to pay for that part). Anyone interested should check out the HËYT website and send your name and email address to

Despite only recently forming, this band have already created 2 super amazing demo songs which can be heard through their soundcloud page (linked on their website). The mixture of heavy guitars,dubstep and Onta's feminine vocals join together so perfectly on their track 'Highest' whilst a strong folk influence can be heard on their second track, Heredity.
Vo. onta (ex.6ft.down)
Gt. RYU(kawamoto ryusuke) (THE VICKERS, Amplifier) 

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