Pentagon; quick history lesson

10 years ago
As Pentagon are getting more and popular, i feel as though it would be a good thing for more people to learn a little more back story to the band. So this is just gonna be a quick "master post" documenting as much as i can possibly find on the band....
First of all, I cannot find anything on Chizuru’s former bands モノドール or DewmeL, but from the looks of things, Re:ACT initially formed around late 2012.
Mizuki (now Chizuru) introduced himself as Re:ACT’s vocalist, on his ameba on the 15th of November, 2012. You can find it here.
Re:ACT’s first single「I’m Powder man」 was released on the 1st of November, 2013, costed¥1,575-(tax in), and contained three songs: 01.Powder man, 02.SOLITUDE, 03.Absolute change.

However, On the 1st of January, 2014, Re:ACT changed their name to “レガリア(regalia)”… and thats pretty much why Regalia and Re: ACT have the exact same line-up, but with Guitarist, 桜 (sakura), and Bassist, 凪 (nagi), instead of Guitarist, 戦 (Sen), and Bassist, 鈴 (Rin/Now minpha).

レガリア released their first maxi single “無惨花(muzanka)” on the 32rd of March, 2014. The tracklist was: 01.失涙の欲望(shitsurui no yokubou), 02.SEX SPIDER, 03.MUSTN’T GAME and it was sold in advance at their 23rd of March live at OSAKA MUSE.
This was their trailer for it:
Regalia disbanded on the 23rd of July, 2014, due to “musical differences”.

However, in the fall of the same year, Call Me formed but soon changed their name to ペンタゴン on December 13th, when they became an “official band”.
Call Me

Call me was:
Vo. chizuru (ex. モノドール/ DewmeL/Re:ACT/レガリア as Mizuki)
Ba. minpha (ex.Vanqish/F@NNY/ レガリア as Rin)
Gt.(support). taku (ex. Mustema†Dorcheme/ LucaRia)
Dr(support). murasaki (ex.VARED)

Vo. Chizuru
Gt. Taku 
Gt. Yutori (ex. う゛ぁんきっしゅ/エリス(support)/ はるを/METEOROID)
Ba. Minpha 
Dr. Atsuki (ex.Exceed/VARED(support)/Call Me (support))

Other notes:
MeteoroiD formed on the 20th of December, 2012, with the line-up being vo. genki, gt.Yutori, gt.Machi, ba.Ral and dr.Tomoya.
Yutori decided to leave MeteoroiD on his and other guitarist (machi)’s birthday live on September 27th due to “A difference in direction […]“ (source) .
LucaRia formed on November 14, 2010, released their first single, Lost World, on the 29th of December, 2010, but went on temporary hiatus on the 30th of July, 3 years later after guitarist Taku’s birthday live. The band returned in November, but disbanded at their live on the 26th of May, 2014, ar Shibuya REX (soon after the departure of bassist, Hifumi, on the 10th of February, 2014).

LucaRia was:
Vo. You
Gt. リツ (ritsu)
Gt. Taku
Dr. ミヤ (miya)
Ba. 一新 (isshin)

F@NNY was originally a session band called Project Funny, however some time after becoming an official band, F@NNY lost their contact with the director of their affiliated label, PRIMAVERA RECORDS, and had to disband on the 31st of March due to this and a large amount of debt,
Both, the release of their maxi-single “make you smile”, and their first album “Rainvow☆Color→”, were cancelled due to this.

Before disbanding, F@NNY was:
Vo. ゆ
Gt. らいむ
Ba. 鈴 (now Minpha)
Dr. Sei♪

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