exist trace release membership detail

11 years ago

On a more brighter note,membership for Exist Trace's international fan group (Archangel Diamond) is now available for purchase. American membership is only $25 whereas international membership cards cost $35. With both cards, you shall receive:
  •  Membership Card (numbered, with new design each year) 
  •  E-mail newsletter with messages from band members 
  •  Exclusive Fan Club Goods (ex: T-Shirts, Photo Sets, Posters, Vintage Reprints) 
  •  Contests for autographed prizes 
  •  Chances to have your questions answered by exist†trace members in Q&A videos 
  •  Special mailings from Archangel Diamond 
  •  Opportunities to participate in official street team activities 
  •  -- plus more (details coming soon)
Membership cards will also be shipped free of charge and last until May 19, 2015 no matter the purchase date.
 Notes from the website:
Shipping starts at the end of June, 2014. Membership numbers are assigned at random each year. Card design subject to change. Purchase of Archangel Diamond yearly membership signifies acceptance of fan club terms and conditions . Memberships are refundable up to 10 days after purchase. Please contact the website  if you have any questions.

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